gse_turbo wrote:
there is no restrictions to what i can print to a shirt or cut in vinyl as long as you want to pay for it.
Hey GSE..this caught my attention.
Do you mean you can print anything I want on a shirt? For example, band logos, pictures, drawings, etc etc, or are you just referring to Daewoo and Suzuki logos....
Im asking because Im always hunting for stuff on ebay, for band shirts and the like, but theres many things that are simply not printed. If so, I would be interested.
And btw, since you seem to know about this stuff, do you know any shops or websites that print custom shirts for you, even if it might be copyrighted material? (for example, a movie poster or an album cover) Im not looking to start my bootlegged t shirt business, I just dont want to spend 40 Euros in imported shirts from Europe