Replaced the timing belt, water pump, tensioner, head, valves, and bolts. Got the car back, drove it for a few days, and left home about 10pm, ironically, for the same destination. This time....just in case...I had my wife drive, while I followed in a second car. The plan was to drive halfway in 2 cars. If we made it halfway, we'd continue in the Leganza.
Well, 40 minutes into the trip, and she blew a rod through the side of the block.

I figure that I'm better off just getting a complete engine. From the last time I was looking for parts, I thought the engine was an X22SE - all of the X22SE parts I got fit perfectly. After looking around for an X22SE engine, I'm thinking that I was wrong. Perhaps it's a T22SED. Is there a difference? I found a T22SED short block, new, for under $700. It sounds like the steal of the year to me.
I still owe the bank $1100 on this, and I want to get it drivable as soon as possible. I'm looking for an engine that is will be (practically) a bolt-in replacement. I've looked through the different topics here, and I've seen references to Saturn, Opel, Catera, and Sunfire engines. Can someone point me in the right direction?