today was day 2, heres my post from .net:
Today I lifted the front of the car so it?s about a nice 2 feet off the ground or so for me to work around and under
I kinda liked the way it looked with only the rear raised and the hood off, it looked cool, except for the damn grill
I started disassembly today, unhooked a gang of wires, sensors etc?
Drained the coolant, removed the oil return hose, the breather and tube, the intake, the throttlebody, the front strut bar, the 1st CAT and exhaust manifold, the coil pack, the EGR solenoid, the A/C belt, thermostat housing and hose, the coolant return line, that?s all I can think of right now
Here what it looked like with just the hood and FSB gone
heres what it looks like close to the end of today
I wanted to get more done, but when I went inside to print out some more shit from alldata I ended up falling asleep in my chair, so I figured im too tired to continue working on the car for today (ive been up for about 43 and a half hours as I write this) so im going to go to sleep now and continue what I can tomorrow.
The only thing im worried about is the specialty timing belt adjuster tool and some sort of tensioning tool that I don?t have, im scared to remove the timing belt, im not really good with timing ,lol
--Chris Ponciano