BTW i still havent got the lanos running, after starting the car, i still hear loud ticking noise, real loud, so i think i bent some valves.
im going to get another head and put it on, but i still dont understand the timing belt installation... my old Mitsu Galant timing belt was so easy...
anyways .. should i do this
step one line up the marks intake cam does not stay at 3 oclock, do i use a wrench to keep it at 3 oclock?
hold the intake with a wrench at 3 oclock and work my way clockwise, put belt on all the way, marks should be 3 9 and 6 oclock???????
then tention the belt ( top notch on tentioner) this will cause the marks to move, is that ok? rotate the engine using crank bolt , loosen water pump, rotate anti clockwise to lower notch, then what, marks will align,
im having a hard time doing this , please if you can help tell me step by step, this timing belt is making me feel real dumb.
How is the crank Off? its a hair off 6 oclock, is that ok, the notch on the back plate is a hair off 6 oclock, should i keep the crank at 6 oclock not the notch
Tiletrader wrote: