daewoomofo wrote:i have 3 problems that i need to figure out ASAP, i have a small exhaust leak, is there a gasket between the exhaust manifold and the first cat? and i have a green wire with a plug on the end of it that i dont know where it plugs into. i think its for my temp guage (since its not working) if any one has any ideas about any of my problems your help is greatly appreciated. thank you! but other than that the car is drivable, it runs great, drives good. it should be a nice car after i get these issues figured out.
Good to hear your back on the road w/your woo ! (Woooooooooooooo-Wooooooooooooo !!!!!!!
#1.....Your green wire q is answered...
#2....Yes there is a gasket. I rubbed a smear of "anti-sieze" on both sides of mine.
#3.....(what is #3 ?) ':lol:'
Congratulations on a job well done daewoomofo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The three great essentials to achieving anything worthwhile are; first, hard work, second, stick-to-it-iveness, and third, common sense."
- -- Thomas Edison
problem 1 was the wire (thanks BosnianLanos)
problem 2 was the temp guage (i wasnt sure if the wire was it or not)
problem 3 is the exhaust leak (thanks spider)
i looked all over the head that was on the car and i didnt see a connector, but then again im an idiot so ill look again tomorrow, ive been working on it every day for over a week. its hotter than hell today and im tired, the car can wait till tommorow, lol.
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a little update. i drove it to work yesterday, which included going to Beaver Aerospace for class. she drove good, i have a little wheel shake on the freeway but it seems like it could just be a wheel out of ballance. ill look at it this week end. she runs great, its nice having a woo again, thank you to the people that helped me out of my small problems that i occured while doing this engine swap. (but in all actuallity, it wasnt that hard!)
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