exist3nce wrote:Lanos and Lemans only I would buy this for sure if you made it for the Optra. What is special about "greaseable"?
If I had all the specs from the Reno/Forenza/Optra I would do the same, i might have to try and find a used set or buy a set from a dealer.
the advantage of being greaseable is that the bar doesn't bind in the bushing which sort grabs and releases instead of transferring leverage from side to side. it also eliminates one more thing that can squeak.
If i was I'd go for those + just the bushes for the 'existing end link bolt' [What I call a droplink bar :P]
Need to prioritise though. Gotta get the car driving properly lol. Suspension is sorted.. Might get new springs but for now it's perfectly fine. Engines still not sorted, still running lumpy. HAve exams coming up so havent been near it in a while. Poor thing's getting neglected
[EDIT] Ps, what does greaseable mean in these terms?
Lol thats why i wrote 'in these terms?' I know what greasable actually means.. But, im pretty sure i can slap grease on my own ones ive got atm.. what benefit's it got doing it on these?
Do you have any more pictures to show where this part is exactly on the car?
Then I can give you the specs or even send you the oem item for custom make.
basically the factory mounts would have to be taken off, grease applied manually and then reasembled. this way the bushings can be maintained easily with an average oil change.
Do you have any finding on the aveo? The aveo's front always have this greok greok sound since day one. When you cross humps twisting the body. Despite having strut bars and lower tie bars.
I would need an aveo to spec out the bushings, I've been looking around my area but haven't found a willing owner yet.
I'll continue looking and let you know what I find. If you could spec out all your bushings that would help, I could email you our bushing specs form to fill out