sooo as some of you know i had planned on selling my car, well not any more. last night the 5th at around 9:30 pm pst i was driving home on the 405 freeway in southern california and i was right around the Crenshaw blvd exit for those of you that know of it. well any ways i was driving south bound and i was in the head of a pack of traffic when out of no where some crazy guy turns right into the front of my car so i swerved to avoid him and he kept going past me through 3 lanes and i slammed on the brakes and lost control hit the middle median bounced over to the outside wall and stopped. and also behind me someone else was almost hit by him also and they swerved but someone hit them and they bounced around just like me on the walls and he hit someone else and had to go to the hospital. and then there was a smaller fender bender that happened from people breaking too fast from trying to avoid us. sooo yup no more daewoo for me i sold it for a whopping $100 usd to a junk company because i needed to get rid of it fast. i cant have it on the street and i dont have a garage. but ill still be around here i do plan on getting another leganza but manuel this time, at a muchhhh later time, im some what broke because i lost the car and i didnt hit anyone sooo i didnt get any insurance money... damn my super defensive driving and not liking hitting other cars.
hang on... they guy who started swerving, for no apparent reason... how/why?
anyways, too bad bout the insurance thingy, but gd thing you're still alright and in one piece.
thats always my luck aswell, my car gets damaged due to other peoples' mistakes (ie: last week when someone drove into my car when it was parked - luckily only minor damage, but still looks ugly)
oh well, hope all turns out well in the end.
Cargo cultism is a beautiful thing as long as you never fall for it.
umm im guessing you mean the guy that crashed behind me umm he was swerving to avoid the same guy i did he crashed before me just behind me and then the same guy comes and cuts me off.
ya i seem to be one of those people if it can go wrong it will go wrong.