the first one is the standard issue managment where you got an O2 sensor in the exhaust mani and an EGR valve at the mid of the intake many:
the other one doesn't have an O2 sensor nor an EGR valve... you can clearly identfy it when you see the EGR missing, i has got this kinda variable resistance called "potentiometer" at the firewall beside the coolant reservoir and my mechanic says that this device is used to adjust the mixture:
now how does the ECU manage the mixture ratio if it can't see how rich/lean the mixture is due to the lack of O2 sensor? will making a one fixed setting using this potentiometer be enough to function effecently throuout all the operating conditions of the engine?
also this will mean that the ECU on the first version is different than the other... right? it is already missing the O2 sensor and EGR and god knows what else and it is getting feedback from a potentiomenter that got to fit into the equation.
which system is better? i see that the second one only came out on some Lanoses with 1.5 SOHC... all the other engines doesn't have this alternative managment so that makes you wonder about how effecent it is.
now how about turboing a non O2 sensor engine... will an adjustment to the potentiometer to a rich setting or so make up for the need of a fuel managment device? how would you get feedback about how lean/rich you are running without an O2 sentor to tap in an air/fuel ratio menter??
this managment system is strange and i got to know more about it so if anyone of you guys got more info on it please share.