Which Engine oil is best for Nexia 1.5L

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Which Engine oil is best for Nexia 1.5L

Post by goldiegill »

Hi Brothers.....

I have a Nexia 1.5 L DOHC (2000 Make). It starts very well in the morning. However, the engine sound increases as it warms up. And once it is hot, the sound is maximum. The sound is from the crank case. My mechanic tells me that the engine oil is not good. And i don't remember which grade I used last time.

I live in an area with the temperature range of 25 to 35 Degree Celcius and average Humidity of around 90 %. Which grade of Engine oil if recommended for the daewoo I own???

Requesting you to please specify only the standards / grades of engine oils not the brand (Mobil/Castrol etc.) as the brands may vary from place to place on our planet.

Posts: 527
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:10 am
Location: USA ~ Central California Desert

Not a 1.5 engine, but........

Post by Spider »

maybe this will help you goldiegill,

For the 1.6 DOHC 4 cylinder Daewoo engine, 2000 LANOS.
Daewoo recommends:
SAE 5W-30, SAE10W-30

If your engine has high mileage on it ? use thicker (at least 10W-30 oil) year around.

2000 1.6 DOHC Lanos 'S'
Silver HB.

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- -- Thomas Edison