Although this gag is best utilized in an area where parking fines are really expensive, you can have fun with them in any town or city. The best time to use these is when you are riding with your friend and can slip one onto their windshield before you go into a store or the bank. I prefer the fake tickets where you can write in the amount of the fine so you can make it border on the line of unbelievably high, making their blood pressure rise in proportion to the amount they at first think they have to pay.
Even better yet, if you have a computer you can make your own fake parking tickets. I haven't tried it, but if you have a post office box you could try and see if your friend would even send you the fine, of course you should give their check or money order back to them after you receive their fake fine. Mail the check back to them with a note that says, "This was a fake parking ticket, dumb ass."
or another prank you can use is the,
Exhaust Pipe Prank
In many gag stores you can purchase an ingenious noise-making piece of metal that subtly fits over the tailpipe of an automobile. When the muffler passes warm air through the tailpipe, the car accessory will make a high-pitched squealing noise. The car's owner will believe they have a belt that needs sorely tightened. The harder you press on the accelerator the louder the squeal! I recently pulled this joke on one of my good friends but told his wife if he came to the point where he was going to take his Jeep in for repair, she should let him in on the prank. The squeal was so bad that he drove through town crouching his head because he was embarrassed to be seen by anyone he knew. He made an appointment to get the Jeep checked out but luckily his wife told him just before he left to take the sickened vehicle in for repair. Looking back, I really wish I wouldn't have told his wife anything, although the mechanic probably would have taken the piece of metal off without telling him it was the source of the noise and charged him $350 for a new "Johnson Rod".