20amp fuse to window wiper blowing out

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20amp fuse to window wiper blowing out

Post by frankieandy2007 »

hi all im new to this site.i have a problem with my daewoo lanos 2000.

my 20 amp fuse has blown 2 times now, i did the light bulb test, put a light bulb in the fuse bit which lights up which was showing me i had a straight shortage. had my uncle round who is a electrician, he started looking round in the car, started taking stuff off to get the wires. we took the streeing wheel cover off and in the boot the cover where the wires are.

started unplugging things to eliminate stuff. after a bit the blub went out showing us there was no shortage. put a fuse in and it worked fine for about 3weeks.and yesterday it happened again so did the same. put the light bulb in the fuse bit,and it lights up.so we took the steering wheel cover off and looked around there. we started pushing the window wiper switch up and down and the light was going out then coming back on,and went out. so put a fuse in and it blew again.so did the same thing again, played around with the switch and it went out. put the fuse in and works fine.

thing is we have not really found what is causing this problem. I'm sure it will happen again.

any one no what this could be or had this probalem be4?

oh and also my airbag light stays on all the time now. could that be because i have had the battary off?

hope some one can help. sorry for going on a bit.

thanks, andy
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Post by daewoomofo »

you might have tripped the air bag light while messing with every thing else. an easy way to fix the problem of blowing fuses is to ruin a new wire from the fuse pannel to the power window switch. make sure you run it in a place that i wont get pinched, you shouldht have a problem after that.

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yeah i cant type, so what big freaking deal!