folks as i mention in my previos post i am trying to do DIY for Cam sensor.
i am stuck half way now.
i removed air filter etc.
now it need to remove drive belt or serpentine belt.
as following manual i loose up alternetor bolt but belt seems to be in tension.
what do i need to do next...???
stuck now cant get serpentine or drove belt off.
i have lanos 2000 with power streeing no a/c.
please provide edvice.
Last edited by daffod on Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
dont bother just un bolt the bracket for the AC hose and then take off the upper bolts on the cam cover and have somebody hold it back for you while you unbolt and change the CPS
i bought this new sensor from GM dealer the sensor fits only one way the way it was removed or esle mounting holes will not match. now let me check harness and see if there is any short. or corrector has any wire damage. if not as per manula ecu is at fault never seen cases like this but lets try
i think when i check pin 1 and 3 means A & C voltage is high then 4 as per CMM ( componenet maintenance manual ) replace sensor in step 10 . does it means even brand new sensor from dealer is non working sesnor.? what are my chances gettting bad sesnsor but brand new? what is GM reputation for parts??? please feedback...
GM dealer told me i have to pay for new one and they will test this one for me and if its faulty i will get 100% refund as warranty for one year on it. so i order new one lets see now.
This in unbeliviable...i got new sensor from dealer it has new kind of potting on sensor.
although same part number and same revision....i am fighting for my money back.
this sensor has OEM lanos kind of potting...previous one has other kind...i will try to post picture...tommorw....