Ive been thinking about pulling the stock airbox off and running a pod down into the guard (where the resonator was), Ive popped out the fog light cover so there is a clean source of fresh air.....but then I got thinking , so here is a question for those with the induction knowledge:
- What would work better?
a. A pod ran down into the resonator void.
b. An SRI.
c. A newer, larger airbox (from say a 5.7 V8 engine) left in the stock location, but with some ducting work.
Ive had a bit of a look around for some calculations etc but havent had any luck yet.
Please put your car model in your signature, I'm assuming you mean a Lanos.
SRI is good for nice loud sound and quick intake but can have some heat problems if you don't use a heatshield.
Cold intake in the resonator area is another good choice, take out the foglight cover for extra cold air. Can cause problems with debris clogging up the filter though, it's more protected in the engine bay.
I've had both setup and for now I'm sticking with SRI but cone filter sitting in the bottom part of the airbox to act as a mini heatshield (taken the top part of the airbox off).
There are so many opinions and topics about air intake here, so take a look around this forum
Yeah, Ive followed the diffent types and methods of induction, and I agree its probably opinion based, I was just wondering if anyone has played around with this sort of thing.
It's all about removing restriction and ensuring the airflow is as smooth as possible so the engine can breathe easier.
Personally i'd go with:
- a high flow K&N Panel Filter in the stock airbox (to ensure the filter is going to do its job properly and filter the air with the least amount of restriction).
- remove the intake resonator, bore out the bottom of the airbox to 3 inch diameter and duct up a smooth run of hose to the bottom of the airbox. This'll get you the coolest air possible naturally and the opening will be large enough so the engine wont feel the restriction of the resonator.
I remember reading about the corrugations in the rubber intake pipe causing some restriction too and inhibit the flow of air into the engine - so maybe a short smooth run of aluminium pipe and an oil catch can will yield some gains?
I wouldn't go with a pod filter unless its a covered one (like a K&N Apollo CIS or similar) - the heat soak would rob any extra power you get. Plus the engine isnt really going to be naturally sucking in that much air that it'd need a big pod filter anyways.
I think I may try and get a hold of a larger airbox (working on the theory of a greater volume of filtered air), additionally, the price of a filter is actually a little cheaper (due to the popularity of the donor car).
Tim re: the corrugations, yep I have heard the same thing, the ridges create small air eddies, increasing turbulence, which in turn decreases the actual diameter of the hose. I have thought about that too. When you did your setup, how much of a hassle was it to re-mount the air temp sensor?
headly wrote:Tim re: the corrugations, yep I have heard the same thing, the ridges create small air eddies, increasing turbulence, which in turn decreases the actual diameter of the hose. I have thought about that too. When you did your setup, how much of a hassle was it to re-mount the air temp sensor?
Easy - You just drill out the joiner and pop the sensor in there. Seal it up with All-Clear sealant and you're set.
I'd be interested to see any results you get from changing out the entire airbox to a bigger one. I don't think the filtration surface area size is the bottle neck in your intake system right now...
K&N Panel filters run for about $100AU for the 1.5L SOHC.
i have had performance issues with SRI at very low speeds specially when A/C is on... the engine was sucking so much hot air... on high speeds it was not noticable at all as i left the pipe from the CAI setup in its place so it worked as a duct to deliver cold air from the fog light to the filter at high speeds... also SRI sounds great indeed.
i am having dirt issues with my CAI for sure... in both times i took of the filter it was loaded with crap and almost black... i do get the coldest air i can find - no low speed issues as SRI - and it is not as loud as the SRI so i am happy this way... i just have to clean the filter more often.