Made it from pvc pipe and a cone filter.
- 3inch to 2inch converter = $3
- 1 22degree angle = $1.99
- Cone filter = $32.99
Ripped out the old air filter and pipe that went to the resonator and used the converter to join the angle and new air filter to the existing air intake pipe (the black bit before the air cleaner [look at the pictures of my engine before i modded it, in the cars section]).
And yeah, fits snug as a big in a friggin LOUD rug.
The sound difference is amazing Like 'damn that shit is whack' ( lol hehe ). but yeah i love the fact i can floor it and i get this real deep bassy sound, but if i just have my food on the pedal. the car sounds as normal.
- foot-on-floor = getaway from something
- foot-lightly-touching = cops are following and i'm driving carefully
i'll get some piccies and a sound recording. I'll add them later.