I have designed new alarm system, witch is more than just car alarm system. I have called it SMS Commander. Its still a prototipe with about 10 test cars running it... I hope it will be sone in serail production. I need some investors and money for serial production...
First. It's alarm system. Everything over GSM-SMS. Tekstual CAR status, and textual aproximate car location. I don't use GPS and I don't use servers! So it's private, for a user, without any security agency in between you and your car... Car will send programmed user SMS with information about a car and it's aproximate location...
It's simple. Just, you, your mobile phone, and your car. And where ever you are, you know where your car is, and it's current state...
comfor options:
*Remote engine start, stop.
*Remote window possition, with automatic remeber last window possition.
*Automatic arm function, when all passangers leave the car.
*Automatic power engine up, ejecting driver door, unarm alarm, and opening window in last saved possition with a single button on remote controll.
*Keyless entry, keyless driveing. Start-stop engine funkcion.
*Automatic power up and down of car radio.
*Automatic drive light.
*Remote (forced on a road) engine blocking over SMS.
*backup keyless entry in to the car with a pin
And many more...
Every function availible over SMS command, and main functions over remote...
I'm not a James Bond, yet...

And, also, I have done remote engine rew, with remote controll or over SMS demonstrational engine rew!