Im gonna cry serious Anyway my cars been fine since the new engine, but today coming home from driving all day, my car felt like it had no power and i thought i had a flat tyre or somin cos it was studdering but my tyres were fine. Basically it feels like im driving in too high gear all the time, even if im pulling off in first its like studdering and the reving noise is like cutting out for split seconds when i put my foot down. Please help guys tell me my car aint gonna die
might be a dumb question but is you parking brake disenguaged? if it is check and see that the rear drums arent stuck in the stop position. man that sucks
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remove the black palstic cover, pull the wires off (make sure you know which one goes where), then use a ratchet to get the plug out one by one and inspect for oil or strange discolorations.
spark plugs should be a brown (golden brown) color... the color you would want your wheat bread to be
Also, make sure to check your ignition coil, it seems to be a very common (and very simple) problem on our cars. But what you have is definitely some issue with spark.
Got new air filter paper things in it so dont think its that. Is it ok to drive it as it is until the weekend when my dad comes back. I mean is it safe to drive the car back n forth to college?
Behind where the spark plugs go in there is a big black pipe which comes up n turns into the thing. Well basically their is a crack in the pipe, so i piled loads of celotape on it just to get me by for the week :P