i just went and looked at that fight rice forums... And i read a lot about what they believe... basically all i got out of it... was "if you try to be differen't you're just following a crowd..."
Well FightRice.org will help all ricers with their problems of thinking that you really need a wing on a FWD car that doesnt top 100mph, or that the best selling body kit will make your car unique from the other 2million people that own it.
The body kit thing is understandable, but you get what you'd like and what you think is nice looking... this isn't going to make everyone swoon over your car... and i know this... because god knows i don't swoon over all cars that a lot of people like... for example, i like a lot of body kits and unique things people try that could be considered "rice" by those people... but i dislike the look of a stock 3rd gen eclipse, and i'm not a fan of any corvettes, stock or otherwise... It's all about tastes... and what pleases you... I got to thinking about that forum when CustomLanos started dissin on Johnny's idea... Really i think Johnny's idea is great, but i understand why Custom doesn't like it... It doesn't suit his tastes... I like the look of a subtle body kit. Custom seems to like the straight stock look, our opinions are our own, and these fight rice members take pot shots at rides, almost as if there is only one way you're allowed to be... Almost hits the same chord as the religion thing we discussed so much a week ago... Really, you can believe how you want and shouldn't have other people who dislike it sway your opinion on it... and the people who dislike it, probably could go about in a more considerate way of saying things about disliking their ideas... Such as "I wouldn't do that to my car, but if you like it i encourage you to do it"
bleh i'm going to get off my soap box... I find it funny though... Fightrice, took potshots at a mustang saying it was rice, when all it had was a little bit different of a hoodscoop...i dunno kinda hard to prove your point of rice when you're saying that an american car, with something slighty altered is rice... Oh well... They can believe as they'd like and i encourage them to do so.