can someone purchase these spark plugs?

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Post by Daew0Leganza »

mmamdouh wrote:
Daew0Leganza wrote: do u guys recommend me purchasing denso to replace my 2 yr old bosch?
how many miles on those old spark plugs? if they got anything over 12,500 miles then you need to change them for sure... if they got less milage than this but close to that (and i suppose it must be after 2 years of use) then it is recommended to do so.

most feedback that came concerning spark plug favored NGK and Denso and i personally think NGK is one step ahead of Denso, the BOSCH got so contradicting feedback from Woo owners but for me they work great.

in the end my advice is: most probably your spark plugs are old so yes... change them, better to get NGK rather than Denso but don't over rule BOSCH as they are still a reputable brand and i know they work well.

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Post by MMamdouh »

your spark plugs are almost all used up so you better replace them... for replacment i recommend any of the following brands:


this is my personal prefrences, you can choose whatever brand you like on your car.

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Post by debo890 »

chronoti wrote:
debo890 wrote:guys, if this plug works the way the company says it does. (ie. with a capacitor then it is possible that it might help a little bit.
first, a capacitor holds charges. when it is charged by the coil or power source, it stores all this energy. when it reaches its peak(equal to the power source), and the source is taken away, it discharges it self. this discharge can be very large depending on the size of the capacitor and how quick it discharges itself. this is the same principal as in which the MSD works. the MSD has a capacitor in it that is chagred by the cars power source. when peak charge has occured, it dicharges it self in to the coil in form of a much larger voltage. hence, you have greater spark at the plugs. so in theory, this plug works in the same principal as the MSD minus the electronic circuit that helps with multiple sparks at low rpms.
read up on this, it should clear thing up: and
the better of the two will always be the MSD unit.
the plugs you will have to discard once spent and the price is outragous.

also, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :cry:
lets all refrain from insulting people on this forum. i know we all have good times and bad times, but if you let your bad time out here, it will just spread like wild fire(we all need a shrink sometimes). we are all here to learn. if we all knew all about daewoos, we all would not be here wasting time. thank you for you cooparation. :lol:
your gona have your timing off by 1/100 of a second, but then again the cap wount hold a charge because it's constatly releasing a charge, what your thinking of is the start capacitors on some motors they charge it and then a second switch releases the charge.
your right, the way i explained it, it will need some triggering mecanism(was late for class). but the cap acts more like an inline cap(used in sub systems). its always fully charged and when the voltage from the coil is not at its peak( high rpms)(coil has less time to fully charge), it supplys the plug with its stored energy.
got drift?
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Post by debo890 »

i will say NGK, iridium, noting more. 8)
got drift?
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Post by Daew0Leganza »

debo890 wrote:i will say NGK, iridium, noting more. 8)
denso cost more tho but maybe how come the leganzas so louds because the bosch 4+ made it louder