Driving "her" car today, so I don't have the Nubira's owners manual - did a search but couldn't find a conclusive answer (seen references to different types )....anyhow, need to pick up new headlight and fog light bulbs after work today, I need a 9007 and a H3 correct?!
Update...(yes I'm a procrastinator first class )finally got around to putting the new bulbs in (BTW it's a 9003 needed, not a 9007 ) and I gotta say that replacing the H3 fog light bulbs in a Nubira has GOT to be one of the biggest PITA "small" jobs I've ever done on a car...you gotta remove those plastic panels (no access covers like on other cars I've had) and even then you can't see what you're working on and those STUPID %#(!$#*)$^@Q!!!! "clip type" bulb holders.....ARRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!