can get and engine with 26K on it .....the one that is in it the timing belt blew so im putting this out there for you to give me ideas

Thanks in advance.
Moderators: daewoomofo, Moderators Group
A/C o fthe timing belt?????!!!! i have never seen a car that has the airconditioning pump on the timing belt?... im sure you must be mistaken the AC runs off the multy-vstrap and there are belts that fit the 2.0 without the AC and powersteering (old opel belts)woo wrote:the C20SED will not run if there is no A/C because everything runs off the timing belt, so if you install a C20SED out of a leganza you may be able to keep A/C and power steering
DavesDaewoo wrote:Barry where in ontario are you ?? I live in ontario,
lookin for info of engine swap too
Erfinder wrote:How much did you end up paying for the 1.6L ???
I'm somewhat confused..... so are you saying that you left the timing belt until 100K and it blew? or are you saying that you had the timing belt changed and the new one blew?