I don't know if I put this in the right forum (not sure if it's supposed to go in the Electronic/wiring forum section), because I am unsure of the actual problem.. So, I apologize ahead of time if this is in the wrong section.
I have a Daewoo Lanos, hatchback, manual, year 2000 (non sport).
I have had it since 2007, and it was GREAT for the price I paid, and never gave me any trouble, really. About two years ago it started having some issues here and there, though. I was lucky enough to live close by to a Daewoo Mechanic, in California, though, so I didn't have to hear the "we can't get parts for your vehicle" spiel from the basic stores.
Anyways, there's been an ongoing problem.. For a while, I had an issue of my car randomly (sometimes every 4 months, sometimes twice in a week, VERY RANDOM) stalling out completely when I'm coming to a stop. Got me stuck in the middle of the road quite a few times.. Because when it did this, the car wouldn't start for 5-10 minutes after. Then it finally started right up, and ran perfectly normal as if nothing even happened. It was annoying..
After a fuel filter, checking for vacuum leaks (had one, he replaced the vacuum), and several "sensors," we thought we fixed it. Then it did it again. So, because I have stereo equipment, I asked if the alternator could be the problem, even though we had done it a year prior. He said maybe.. So we warranted the old alternator with a new one, (we were going to test it at the store, but their tester was down, so they just replaced it and assumed it was bad). Well, since then, (2 months), it has not stalled.. BUT.. There is another problem, I don't know if it's related or not.. And this is the point of this thread.. Because as I stated.. My mechanic tried placing sensors, vacuum leaks, etc, for this issue, and he could not figure it out..... Every now and then (it's actually noticeably happening once or twice every few drives now), the car will kind of do what it was doing before when I was coming to a stop, which is like kind of lose all power for a second (1-2 seconds), like, if I go to put, or currently had my foot on the gas, and press down, nothing happens, and it's like the car is off or stalled, then all of a sudden, there's power again and it's like nothing even happened. It used to that that when it stalled, but completely stalled right afterwards.. Now it doesn't stall out, it just loses power for a second or two seconds.. It's really weird. But it's also causing me concern and I stress every time I have to drive somewhere, not knowing if it has a big problem, or if it's going to get worse as I'm driving this time and stall out or something, etc. I have no clue what the problem is, at this point.
If this sounds like an issue you guys have heard of, or have any ideas or opinions, please let me know.
Thank you so much,
P.S. I honestly just want to find the cause of this problem and get it fixed.. I just had over 2 grand of maintenance done to this car, and am feeling like I wasted the money, and should have just put it into another car, with this issue lingering.. Got new struts, had to replace both mounts (and driver side wheel bearing) after many tries at figuring out what was causing noises and clunking when I was driving, got 4 new tires, etc. And even though the current place that just replaced my other strut mount said they see lube leaks here, rips and tears here and there, etc, they said it's nothing too concerning.. But they don't know what this problem is by how I explained it.. So I thought I'd come at least make a post here and see if it rings a bell to anyone else from how I explained it... Hopefully!