Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
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Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
I was going to buy a crankshaft pulley bolt (im going to change timing belt soon and going to do it my-self) and sales person asked me is it 63mm or 69mm. Is there anyway I can tell the size without having to take the belt covers off.? 1999 Daewoo Lanos Hatch SE SOHC. thanks
- Posts: 47
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:24 am
Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
I might be misunderstanding you, but does Tbelt cover even have to come off to remove crank pulley bolt? I don tthink it covers it, does it, just tracks around it partly?
why is CP bolt needed to be replaced, btw?
inner crankshaft pulley itself is not part of a timing belt change, I dont think?
Only outer rim?
Ive swapped a new belt between two Leganza/nubira engines, which I think are larger CCs DOHC version of Lanos...never had to disturb crank pulley, not the inner part that the large central bolt retains, anyway..
is your setup like below in general?
if so, only the outer pulley row needs to come off to get belts on and off, which are just 6mm allen key head bolts..they were loose on that old engine from which I salvaged the near new t-belt,which means they are as far as I had to get on that crank pulley to effect belt change..
as you see, with outer belt-row removed, which is very simple with the 4 little bolts,ample belt space is then available to slip old belts and new belt in and over off and on..
the main bolt in middle, 17mm head,which I guess will be your 63/69mm length bolt, is still rock solid never been moved by me..
you will have a struggle to remove that central pulley core that has the belt driving teeth on it with engine in car anyway, its probably possible, but it will put up some sort of fight maybe need a puller to budge it even after bolt is out..
just for Belt change, unless Lanos is different to this Leganza in that area, cant see why bother touching that part.
Or buying one.

why is CP bolt needed to be replaced, btw?
inner crankshaft pulley itself is not part of a timing belt change, I dont think?
Only outer rim?
Ive swapped a new belt between two Leganza/nubira engines, which I think are larger CCs DOHC version of Lanos...never had to disturb crank pulley, not the inner part that the large central bolt retains, anyway..
is your setup like below in general?
if so, only the outer pulley row needs to come off to get belts on and off, which are just 6mm allen key head bolts..they were loose on that old engine from which I salvaged the near new t-belt,which means they are as far as I had to get on that crank pulley to effect belt change..
as you see, with outer belt-row removed, which is very simple with the 4 little bolts,ample belt space is then available to slip old belts and new belt in and over off and on..
the main bolt in middle, 17mm head,which I guess will be your 63/69mm length bolt, is still rock solid never been moved by me..
you will have a struggle to remove that central pulley core that has the belt driving teeth on it with engine in car anyway, its probably possible, but it will put up some sort of fight maybe need a puller to budge it even after bolt is out..
just for Belt change, unless Lanos is different to this Leganza in that area, cant see why bother touching that part.
Or buying one.

Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
Hi MatesLeganza,
You are right about:
But on some engine (SOHC, 1.6DOHC) there is only one central screw to remove crankshaft pulley prior you can remove the lower tbelt cover.
BTW I haven't changed this screw when I did timing kit.
You are right about:
It doesn't.but does Tbelt cover even have to come off to remove crank pulley bolt?
But on some engine (SOHC, 1.6DOHC) there is only one central screw to remove crankshaft pulley prior you can remove the lower tbelt cover.
BTW I haven't changed this screw when I did timing kit.
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- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:24 am
Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
oh ok, so you have changed the t-belt b4,so it has been out b4, but this time you want to renew the bolt itself too, for security?
too bad they didnt just have the detachable outer like the 1.8/2.0/2.2 DOHC version..
too bad they didnt just have the detachable outer like the 1.8/2.0/2.2 DOHC version..
- Posts: 47
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:24 am
Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
my apologies for this Australian GMH engine, btw..
Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
I do not intend to replace this screw for next distribution change(s). (Broken want doing thatMatesLeganza wrote:oh ok, so you have changed the t-belt b4,so it has been out b4, but this time you want to renew the bolt itself too, for security?
too bad they didnt just have the detachable outer like the 1.8/2.0/2.2 DOHC version..

Or new screw should be asked by service manual. Isn't it?
I do not think it is a screw tightened beyond the elastic limit.
Agree about detachable pulley

Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
Thanks heaps for your answers, Firstly when it comes to auto mechanics im not real knowledgeable, but I can fix most things if I take my time and study manual a couple of hundred times. Most times I rely on other peoples advice and ive been told thats its better to replace bolts that have been under high torque when they have been removed. (ie) engine head bolts. Im pretty sure that the size im after is the 63mm bolt, they are only $6.00 from GMH. I will also be replacing water pump, tensioner, belt, and while i have the belt off, ill put in a new thermocouple thats been in my shed for about 12 months.
PS. I suppose $6.00 is actually a lot for just a bolt, but not much compared to the price of most parts.
thanks again
PS. I suppose $6.00 is actually a lot for just a bolt, but not much compared to the price of most parts.
thanks again

- Posts: 47
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:24 am
Re: Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
no, there arent many parts for the fucking things that ARE cheap from Australian GM dealers,most are outrageous including all t-belt parts and WP,
so perhaps take advantage of those which are...if it gives you piece of mind the bolt be bunging the old one back in and tighten to spec..
.last time a car i had had timing case off lost its crank pulley a while later was a 1960 Hillman and the incident WAS IN was one of the first automotive jobs i attempted with no help and poor incomplete tools, god knows what i did or didnt do to it..maybe something went wrong with the butchered Woodruff key I put back in..
.sold the car to the neighbor who was eager to buy it after i replaced the timing chain tensioner..a few weeks later, heard the pulley had come off and taken out the radiator..
i figured this was more than a mere co-incidence
mum was the word.
so perhaps take advantage of those which are...if it gives you piece of mind the bolt be bunging the old one back in and tighten to spec..
.last time a car i had had timing case off lost its crank pulley a while later was a 1960 Hillman and the incident WAS IN was one of the first automotive jobs i attempted with no help and poor incomplete tools, god knows what i did or didnt do to it..maybe something went wrong with the butchered Woodruff key I put back in..
.sold the car to the neighbor who was eager to buy it after i replaced the timing chain tensioner..a few weeks later, heard the pulley had come off and taken out the radiator..
i figured this was more than a mere co-incidence

mum was the word.