Good afternoon, i just bought a 2001 lanos 1.5 SOHC, and i wanted to install a tach, i found the green/black wire an tried it, but nothing happend, then, get the diods an tried too, and nothing happends either
i've seen pictures of 1.5 Sohc with tach and I WANT TO INSTALL ONE
the British and European lanos comes with a tach already in the instument cluster. it pluds in just like stock, there is no wiring needed. it's what i did over a year ago and I love in. there is at least one for sell on here and they can be bought all day on
i've done exactly like te how to says, but the tach doesen't get any signal, i used de wires in the ECU pin C3 and D10 and put 2 diods 1N4004
its weird that works in the jetta, and when put in the lanos nothing happends