Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

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Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Aneab »

Just hoping that MMamdouh is all safe. Hearing about all the protests and stuff got me thinking after I remembered he lives there. Hope all is well buddy!
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by daewooluvr »

Aneab wrote:Just hoping that MMamdouh is all safe. Hearing about all the protests and stuff got me thinking after I remembered he lives there. Hope all is well buddy!
same here, he was the first thing that came to mind when I heard about it too. Hopefully he'll report in once they get internet back up and running.
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by MMamdouh »

i heard about the stuff too :D

thanks for the concern guys... i am live and kicking...

protests started on the 25th and it was fine till the 27th... on the 28th it got nasty and we had internet and mobile phones blackout and a curfew was applied and the police forces just vanished

we got he mobile phones on the 29th and the internet yesterday... we still lack the police forces so we have to organize "night watches" to guard our properties, yes the army is spread around the capital's streets but they are not in each and every street as their main task is to secure the main roads and vital buildings

the president did many of the amendments we were asking for and that is a good thing... the problem is that their are still protesters asking him to leave now (he is going to leave on October anyways) and that caused clashes between people that are satisfied with the current situation and people that want him to leave now...

i have just finished my night watch and i am following up on the events on TV... their are still people asking the president to leave and the clashes are still on... i think this is the time for the government to use force and end this clash ASAP as we are approaching an ugly turn

anyways i OK and the woo is safe... will keep you updated and thanks for asking

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Aneab »

Glad to hear you're okay! I think it's quite admirable that the people of your nation were ready to stand up and take back your nation... It is... After all... yours too... mostly glad to hear you are doing well!!!
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Daniel »

Glad to read you again MM!
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Puddle31 »

Glad you are well MMamdouh!! I just read an article over here this morning that quoted a mechanic named Mamdouh!! Of course I though of you right away. Stay safe over there.
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by MMamdouh »

thanks guys... today is my first day at work since last week, things are getting better now and the country is getting more stable... i hope things get back to normal by the end of the week

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Aneab »

MMamdouh wrote:thanks guys... today is my first day at work since last week, things are getting better now and the country is getting more stable... i hope things get back to normal by the end of the week


Glad to hear you're back to work! Keep us updated on the situation... I'd rather hear it from a close source (someone there) than like say a reporter who can bend facts to make them seem well... different...
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by MMamdouh »

surprisingly most of the facts that i come across are already bent... their is too much information going around and most of them contradict each other... i got fed up to the point that i don't want to hear anything new now...

Egyptian youth started this revolution and it seems they don't know when to stop, they wanted the president to quit his position as well as some amendments to the constitution... however based on our constitution the vice president can't initiate a constitution rectification and once the president's position is empty, a presidential elections has to start and this means it will be conducted under the current constitution that have problematic clauses that address the presedential elections

currently the president has some 6 months more and his presidential period will end anyways and he already initiated the process of investigating the problematic constitution clauses... i say this is as good as it gets... if he left now we will get a new president under a constitution we don't want and i don't think a presidential election at this time is not a good idea and will initiate massive conflict to rule the country

the guys doing the protests are not convinced with that and want to keep on protesting (started on the 25th of January) fearing that if they left they will lose all chances of reform... despite having:

1- a new government
2- appointing a vice president (we didn't have one for the past 30 years)
3- president assured he will not participate in the new presidential election
4- president's son was out of the ruling party thus out of the presidential elections as well
5- a number of officials are under investigation (including the internal affairs minister)
6- amendments to clause 76 and 77 of the constitution is in progress

people were dreaming of half this list of actions for the past 30 years... we got it in a week... the problem is that with the protests going on the army is in the capital's streets and a curfew is announced up till this day, this is affecting all sorts of businesses and thus we are on daily losses... the Egyptian stock exchange sustained severe losses since this revolution and it still does

my point of view is to stop the revolution and go on with our lives while watching the government actions with regards to the above mentioned reforms and actions... if they didn't do what we want then we can protest again till we get that done so that we don't get more hurt economically than we already are... most companies were closed... all banks were shut and as a country that has one fourth of the world monuments we currently have our hotels 4% full... bottom line is we are now loosing more that what we are gaining by keeping on protests

the other point of view that the youth are having is to keep on protesting till the president leaves his position and the constitution is amended because they distrust the government and think they won't do a thing... when confronted with the fact that the constitution doesn't allow the vice president to do constitutional amendments they asked for discarding the current constitution and building a new one... they are also asking for the resignation of all the people's assembly members so we will end up with no president, useless vice president and no one to vote for the the newly requested constitution... the funny thing is they all want the president removed... but they have no clue whatsoever who should be the new president... that's like preferring to have a second degree burn over a paper cut

OK the government might not do a thing out of what they promised indeed but the point here is being in Tahrir square protesting won't force them to do what we want either... the youth are not looking at the wider picture and understanding that their are people of this country are paying the price of this revolution on daily basis... and i am not talking about corporates or banks or so... i am talking about simple workers and handy men that are literally jobless since 25th of January till now

they also forget the main objective we achieved on the 25th... we said it out loud... we won't accept being treated as a minority... we are the true owners of this country and we won't take no more negligence or oppression... this means that holding the Tahrir square or not won't change who we are and how the government will react towards our needs

in my opinion the president should stay for the upcoming 6 months just for the sake of internal stability... during this time we will acheve the following:

1- keep the country's stability and avoid the struggle over ruling the country
2- allow the government to start reform
3- amend our constitution to allow a fair presidential elections that would bring a "new" president
4- making sure whoever elected won't be president for the next ten thousand years (we never had a "former" president... all we had are "deceased" presidents)

this is the summation of the current situation... put yourself guys in my shoes... what would you prefer?????

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Aneab »

If i were in your shoes I'd probably see the same logic out of it... Knowing what I know I'd have to agree with you... Hasty decisions are made by youthful people they don't look past the day... all it's ever been about is now now now... So i definitely see you're point of view and I Agree actually...

You don't get things done when the system breaks down... Using the current system and building and modifying it would be the best solution from what you're saying. If you go to rebuild you start over, and you take at least a year to even get someone to gte something done! If they were really looking for speed they'd agree with you... But the youth probably don't completely understand the whole picture... They only look at one piece of the pie at a time...

To me it sounds that if it was done the way you want (the way i agree with)... not only would reform be faster in the end... but it would also be more STABLE and thats something your country would benefit from in the form of more tourists again, and businesses reopening...

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by longshanks »

just wanted to say i as an Australian am in solidarity with the people of Egypt (for what its worth, probably not alot lol), congrats guys Mubarak is gone. Now the hard work begins!

also was watching dateline here in aus and saw a daewoo, oh how my imagination yearns for daewoo parts in aus that arn't ten times the normal price.

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by MMamdouh »

yes... he is gone, and you are quite right... the hard work starts now... we have to start the reform process and keep it going

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by MMamdouh »

Driving is the utmost fun you can have with your pants on!
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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by Aneab »

MMamdouh wrote:this vid is really nice:

http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php ... 8&comments


Really great video! My hope though is that you don't think most common Americans would support the corruption that went on... I'd be one of the first to say that our goverment in the US has gotten out of control and are doing a great deal that the constituency wouldn't agree with... like supporting and paying off dictators to "like" us...

I support you, and your country MMamdouh, and if there is anything I can do to help I will. I do understand though that Egypt must do the hard work on their own to find their identity... Hope all is still well with you and the WOO!

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Re: Heard about the stuff in Egypt.

Post by MMamdouh »

thank you for the concern man... we are trying our best to fix all the corruption that occurred during the past era and i know that most Americans are against the corruption here and anywhere else... the problem is always between the opinion of people vs the opinion of their government

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