F'ing Elec Windows

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F'ing Elec Windows

Post by Tonic »


After installing a universal elec window kit on my 2000 lanos, I am having problems getting the windows up...

They go down fine with the new kit, but seem to get stuck half way up- they have been hard to wind with the regular window winder for a while and i have put up with it, but now it is affecting the kit and i am pissed

The kit has a 3 kg torque limit so it is definitely powerful enough, and when I remove the gear from the window mechanism, it rotates fine, has plenty of power etc...goes in both directions with no problem- and this is the same on both driver and passenger sides...

I then tested the motors it by swapping them around, so that the same direction of the gear now hopefully would make the windows go up- but NO !!!!

So it is definitely my car and not the kit that is at fault. I know I have read lots about windows getting stuck, but I have cleaned the rails with almost a whole can of WD40 between the two windows, and they are clean as a whistle- what else can I use to prevent them from getting stuck?

I just want these babies too work, and it is clear that the rubber sliders are the problem here...

Anyone else had the same problem ?

Thanks for the help