For now i own a Mitsubishi Eclipse it has bolt ons and it is little over 300whp
As a part time job i tune cars, mostly do ECU reflash to Mitsubishi cars
Ricardo (aka eljunito here on DaewooTech) a very good friend of mine has a N/A 140whp Lanos using a T20SED engine
He is in need of a way to fine tune his Lanos, thing that cannot be done with a piggyback
Me being constantly working with Mitsubishi ECUs and seeing the very good results of tuning this cars with the reflash have come to the idea of doing a complete swap of ECU and harness
In this case a '98 Mirage LS harness with its ECU
This will give the opportunity to tune the Lanos in every possible way
We knew that there weren't any compatibility between Mitsubishi and DAEWOO sensors
So i had to figure out a way to make it possible.
First concern was cam and crank sensors...
In 1G DSMs Mitsubishi used a CAS (Cam Angle Sensor) that integrated both cam and crank sensors
This 1G CAS will replace Mirage's Cam and Crank sensors
This is how it looks like:

This goes at the end of the intake cam
But in our swap it will go as pontiacjeff installed the distributor in his Pontiac/DAEWOO hybrid
Like this:

I even contacted jeff for some help on sourcing the pulleys he used in his hybrid
Well that is done, next was the spark.
Fortunately the Mirage LS coils fit the T20SED cover valve
A custom plate has to be fab for them to sit perfect
Mirage LS coil on T20SED valve cover:

OBX sells on eBay an aftermarket coil for $99 + shipping
Fuel injectors
Mirage fuel injectors are high impedance as the DAEWOO injectors
Unfortunately the injectors plug have to be swap unless you want to use the Mirage injectors which are 220cc
There are other bigger injectors available that are plug and play.
Which injectors to use is your choice
Mirage Fuel Injectors:

'04-'06 Lancer 2.0L uses 240cc injectors other 2.4L Mitsubishi engines use 275cc injectors all of them are plug and play
Also Genesis Coupe 2.0T uses the same injector style and are 330cc
EVO X uses the same injector style which are around 600cc
Mitsubishi TPS is like the DAEWOO TPS 0v to 5v, 5v being 100% open
The DAEWOO TPS can be used, only thing is that Mitsubishi TPS has a closed throttle switch.
I will see if not having it will cause any problems
Engine Temperature Sensors are variable resistors that vary the resistance depending on temperature
The DAEWOO coolant sensor will be used since it works in the same way the Mitsubishi one does
The Mirage LS uses a MAF sensor to measures the flow of air for fuel and timing
The IAT sensor is integrated in the MAF
As we all know DAEWOOs use MAP sensors and the IAT is separated
For this we will use a ROM that has Speed Density patch
This will allow to remove the MAF and use a MAP and a separate IAT
A GM 3bar MAP and GM IAT will be used
Knock Sensor
The Mirage doesn't use knock sensor but the Speed Density ROM has it
We will try to use the stock DAEWOO knock sensor
If it doesn't work we will switch to a Mitsubishi knock sensor
This are all the important sensors that will let the car run
Since this is a project car intended for track racing there will be no emissions stuff used
Off Road Use Only
No power steering No air conditioner
Radiator fans will be controlled independently
Tuning software that is going to be used is EcuFlash is free and can be found in
To do the reflash a specific cable must be used and is a Tactrix OpenPort 2.0
The ROM with the speed density will be available in
This will work on both N/A and Turbo cars
All of this has not yet being tested, but it will be tested.
If it is a success - i'm sure it will - another thread will be open with all the info needed to do the swap
I just opened this one as a way for me to receive feedback from you and let me know if anything is missing
Hago el thread aca para que lo vean y comenten
La sicaria con reflash coming soon