i went to the parts shop on Thursday and compared head gaskets from the 1.5 DOHC espero, 1.5 SOHC lanos and the 1.6 DOHC nubira (same as 1.6 DOHC lanos engine) and here is the pic:
the 1.5 SOHC gasket is in the middle with the 1.5 DOHC on top and the 1.6 DOHC at the bottom... i don't know why the pic is truncated here so here is a direct link to it on my photobucket account:
http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j319/ ... none-1.jpg
- the gaskets are exactly the same width and height
- the holes for the pistons are exactly spaced on all 3 gaskets
- all 3 gaskets got exactly spaced 10 cylinder head bolts
- the two holes on the front of the gasket are concurrent on all 3 gaskets (front of gasket = cyl. 1 side)
- the three ports on the back of the gaskets are concurrent, the 1.5 SOHC gasket got the middle port as a rectangle rather than a circle though
- the port for the oil passage is in the same place on all 3 gaskets
now for the differences:
- the 1.5 SOHC got 2 extra ports on the rear (firewall side) at the middle near the head bolt hole and the one on its left. i got a pic for the 1.5 SOHC head and i see ports in the head that match the gasket but i don't see them ports on the 1.6 DOHC head... also the 1.5 DOHC gasket doesn't have them ports so odds are those ports are for coolant passages on the SOHC head only
1.5 SOHC head... the two ports are at the bottom and to the right of the middle and left head bolt holes (marked in red)
the 1.6 DOHC head... no ports but their are marks on the head that suggests that their was holes in this area from the gasket or so (marked in red)
also here are a couple of pics for the block itself... no idea if those are the 1.5 or 1.6 but as per precisionboost's feedback... they are the same... only difference will be the bore
as you can see their are a couple of ports in the block that matches the ones on the 1.5 SOHC gasket and the 1.5 SOHC head... they are missing from both the head and head gasket of the DOHC heads (marked in red)
- the oil feed to the head is different on the SOHC and DOHC... we agreed that it is the same for the blocks (marked in blue) and on the SOHC head it seems the oil has to move in the head groove (marked in yellow) to go to the port located virtually on the same line were the spark plugs are positioned to
on the DOHC head such groove doesn't exist and the oil area (marked in yellow) merge with the head bolt hole... i can't tell from the pic if the hole is bigger than the other holes and is used as an oil passage or not... yet again i can't see any other oil sources on the block to feed the head other than this route that i am thinking of
- the other difference is the size and shape of water passages between the 3 heads... not sure if that makes any difference or not... their are less and smaller ports on the 1.5 SOHC
given all that data and findings i can say it is doable indeed as precisionboost said with whatever combination (any block on any head) and also i recon the logical decision will be using the DOHC head gasket with the DOHC head
i only need confirmation on the oil passage on the DOHC head as well as an explanation to the two extra ports on the 1.5 SOHC gasket and head that are missing on the DOHC head