I think it's time for all the owners in the States to finally meet. We should pin-point middle ground and have an anual meeting. What does everyone think about that?
every year we all talk about it and no one ever gets together. one or two people meet, but we all live soooo damn far away. for example... oz and delphis live like 35 hours away from one another... and even meeting in the middle is a HUGE journey.
i've offered to house people before and no one showed interest.
i tried to get together with shaun and it was just too damn expensive for me to travel all that way (especially being kinda jobless now)
i have two weeks of vacation in the summer time, if i can afford it i want to go on a cross country woo tour, i want to see the country, and possably meet some fellow woo owners
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well middle ground for everyone in the states would be oklahoma but anyways when i get a job that i can take off more than once a year then i'll be up for it as long as its not like a 24 hour drive. but like kenny said no one can make it usually. they even tried a east coast one and it still fell through.
well mickey you are one of the only other woo owners on this side of the country that is on this forum.... everyone else is on the further inlad or on the other "SIDE" lol
Its true that everyone lives far away from each other but If we do this thing like on a weekend or something it would deffenatly be worth it. Start the drive like friday evening then meet up maybe saturday dayish and then get back on sunday. Yea its a shit load of gas money but hell i think we owe it to ourselves to do a woo meet at least once a year.
ya a so-cal meet would definately be doable because I am up here it would only take me 5 hours to get down south, and then kinky and aneb it would only take them 6-8 hours depending when they left, but my woo is nothing for a meet, it needs a lot of work and I mean A LOT of work to get ready to show anybody, but my funds lack a little too much for me to do anything worth while to my car that is really needed, ie new hood, complete engine bay clean up (since my radiator/thermostat went bad and blew a nice mix of coolant and rusty water from inside the radiator all over my engine bay) and my interior needs a good overhauling. basically I need to get another DD car and start ripping apart the lanos. :twisted: