Stock Lanos Alternator

Car Audio, Controllers, Wiring, Seats, Carpet, Interior painting, and more...

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Stock Lanos Alternator

Post by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz »

Hi everyone .. Fisrt post here!

Anyway, I just bought a new (yes NEW, but left over last year's stock) 2002 Lanos 1.6 here in the US for $5,990.

I wanted to know what the alternator's amp output is; does anyone know?
I heard somewhere that it was 85 amps. Is this correct?

Also, if it is, I am going to buy a used alternator from the junkyard, take it apart, count every turn as I unwind it, clearance the inside of the alternator case, then rewind the alternator with a heavier guage and add 10 extra turns.

This will increase the amperage output to somewhere in the relm of 120 to 150 and increase the voltage to 14.4VDC.

I have allready replaced the engine block-to-body ground wire with 4 guage wire and the body to battery negative post with 4 guage wire. All replacement wire ends have gold-plated ring terminals that are crimped and soldered on.

The next wire to add is a 4 guage between the alternator output and run it to the battery positive post connection.

The battery is getting replaced with an Optima Yellow Top and it will all be connected with gold-plated battery terminals.

Once this has been completed, the next stage of sound deadening and wiring for the stereo system.

The main power line from the battery to the power distrobution block in the back hatch area is 1/0 guage (Zero guage). From the distrobution block to the amplifiers will be 4 guage.

For sound deadening, the whole interior is coming out, expanding foam will fill ever crevace in the body and then 2 or 3 layers of sound deadener will be installed (where it can fit.) The inside doors frames (door panels removed) will first be covered with aluminum tape to fill gaps and give the sound deadener something to attach to.

The door speakers will be installed on MDF raised platforms which will be covered by matching cloth as the door inserts.

The subwoofer box will be 5.3 cubic feet tuned to 28 Hz with an Adire Audio Brahma 15" subwoofer that will be powered by a Lanzar Vibe 1200D monoblock amplifier that produces 1200 watts RMS @ 1 Ohm.
The front componant speakers will be powered by a Lanzar Vibe 240 amplifier which produces 200 watts RMS x 2 @ 4 ohms. I still have not decided on which componants to use, although I am leaning toward CDT classics or Adire Audio Kodas.

The system will be topped off with an Eclipse CD/MP3 player.
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Post by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz »

The wiring is finished.

The interior has been removed, apart from the front seats and the driver side door panel, which are coming out tomorrow morning.

So far 3 cans of expanding foam have been used in all the gaps in the body and a few more cans are needed.

I picked up 100 square feet (9.29 square meters) of sound deadener in a big roll and have started applying that to the floor and walls.

I think I will use poly fill fiber to pack the side quarter panels of the car, as they are very large open areas that need stuffing.
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Post by tango »

You're really into this sound-system thing aren't you?!? Well whatever makes your 'Woo special dude. Play on...
Cogito ergo sum...
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Post by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz »

There is nothing in the world like getting into a car that is as quiet as a professional sound studio, then turning on an audio system that is nothing short of audio bliss.

If you'd like to see the subwoofer I am installing, here is a link. ... series.htm

This is a world class subwoofer, with a new motor structure technology that is only available from this company. It has amazing sound quality AND monsterous sound level output. Exceedingly high volume levels are achievable, yet the pristine clarity of the music is not lost to distortion as most subwoofers do when they are given large amounts of power.

Mobile audio at it's finest.

And best of all, it is in a Woo!
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Post by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz »

Wow ... my first post. This was quite a while ago... 1 May 2003.

And ... I *STILL* have not put all my interior back into the car.

The carpet came out and has not been back in since. It is rolled up and still looks like new.

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Post by bluesheepbrian »

You had a big project on your hands. you have to show us some pics.
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Post by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz »

All the pics are gone :(

When I moved and closed my internet account at that location, I forgot to save all the photos that were on the server.

I *MAY* have a few of them on some floppy disks, but I think they are all gone.

I had a lot of good photos of all the work I have done.
The electrical system upgrade step - by - step photos & descriptions were very helpful, too.
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Post by Wolf-Spirit »

that sucks man :cry:

but ah well atleast you know it everyone can bug you now :wink: