Window Winder

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Window Winder

Post by BlackleR »

Hey guys my passenger window winder is amazingly hard to wind up once its wound down, it winds down very easy but when winding it up at about halfway you honestly have to use 2 hands to get it up. Also while im on the subject of things wrong with my car, my seatbelt on drivers side doesnt wind up all the seatbelt, anything i can do myself? Cheers guys u r0x0r ;)
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Post by lanos2001 »

well i had the same problem with the window winder and it sounds like youhave something stuck in the track. i started to take off my door panel to look at it when some paper fell out. i guess it was paper that somehow slipped through the crackes in the door pocket. well just try to take off all the screws on the bottom and side of the panel and just shake it a bit to see if anything falls out. as for the seat belt no idea.


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Post by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz »

It sounds like you have very small trolls living inside your door.
When you wind the window down, they all grab onto it and hang on and pull when you try to wind the window back up.
This is what makes the window hard to wind back up.


Yes, it sounds like something is stuck in the track.
Remove the window winder handle. The retainer clip can be a real pain to remove, but there are special tools to make this easier.
Remove the 3 screws along the bottom of the door panel.
Remove the triangular plastic cover over the mirror adjuster.
Remove the screw in the bottom of the hand cup where you grab the door to close it.
Starting at the bottom of the door panel, tug it toward you and you will here loud popping sounds as the plastic trim clips pop out of their holes.
The trim ring around the interior door handle will pop off. It may even fly across the inside of the car. :lol:
Pull off the sheet of plastic (it is a moisture barrier) so you can see the window tracks inside the door.
Use a flashlight to inspect the mechinism and track as you wind the window down and up. Remember to use the window crank handle WITHOUT the retainer clip when you have the door panel off. :)

I hope this helps.

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Post by bluecube »

My girlfiend's lanos had the same issue. Eventually the winder cable actually snapped inside. However once we replaced the winder assembly it was all fixed. The window was actually in the proper grooves but something must have come loose inside the winder assembly and eventually snapped. If you find your window is properly in the grooves, try picking up a winder assembly from a wrecker or a dealer.
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Post by BlackleR »

Any thing i can do about the seat belt ?
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Post by bluecube »

You may need to get a new seatbelt. Sometimes the springs etc inside them wear out. As seatbelts are a safety device i would replace the whole thing.
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Post by ooobiserooo »

BlackleR wrote:Any thing i can do about the seat belt ?
u can try to remove the plastic cover and search for the problem.. but i also recomend to get a new one!
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Post by woo »

it might be a bit late... but today i fixed my (electric) windows (they were going up very very slowly) by putting graphite powder in all the spots where they rubbed up against rubbers etc
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Post by BlackleR »

ye bit late for me, when i crashed now i have no windows :p