I really like to stand out and I skate and snow board so I decided to put The lime green Circa design into my Lanos my dash is all the way out and being sanded and painted, That was a retarded dash removal, but after you get it out the hard way, you notice the right way to do it is to take the metal frame with it. Should have looked it up damn. These are my door panels and i have fur for the arm rest, when i put the dash back in I will get some more pics. Tell me what you guys think, I just found it fun to take my dash out and door panels, made it my own.
i am not about what other people like, I am a very extreme person I skate and snowboard and anything that takes lots of skill. I respect the companys i use because they rock. So my car is extreme like i ride it, i have practically no respect for my car which is bad but at least i can tell u how tough a daewoo is dry pavement drifting is my fav as is jumping the train tracks. if you not living life on the edge your taking up to much space. Soon i will have videos of my crazy actions. And me beating the shit out of my woo. I have had it for little over a year and surprised my car still has a transmission, my shocks are gone, and lots of other things. But my interior shows my life style. More to come with the crazy interior plus exterior is going to get a major face lift and engine because allthough i fill my needs with drifting and such speed lacks hardcore. So right now i am driving my gf car to get the speed factor and i feel bad for beating up her car. Allthough i plan on cold air and springs for her car at my expense. 2002 maxima, that should help her out