too busy trying to keep my junk rolling... :sigh:
to the point...
2001 Daewoo Nubira SE 2.0
So... my clutch slave cylinder blew it's seal the other day and so I replaced that...
all seemed fine until this day... and then I lost the clutch again.
it would seem the slave is extending but the release shaft/arm is not engaging and compressing the slave back in...
I can start the engine using the starter and it's obvious that the clutch disc is fully engaged to the flywheel as I can drive the pos... that's how I got 'er back home

The clutch pedal returns... but I think it's just the pedal's spring doing that...
I talked with my regular Daewoo parts supplier (Gary of Coates Daewoo) over the phone... and he suggested that the problem might be not with the clutch... but instead with the clutch release shaft/arm... he claimed that (tho not recently) he remembered having to replace at least one awhile back...
Anyone have an experience related ?
Was wonder if ya'll thought it was most likely the pressure plate gone... or somehow related to the clutch fork or release shaft and /or fork ?
The clutch has 89K on the ODO currently... I usually make a clutch last most times 150K +
Thanks... if you can help on this issue.