Well I've had the car for approximately 1 month now, and the car with only 50k Miles is yet to have 1 good day of driving. I have a major brake problem as well but I will wait to bore you guys with the details of that later.
The following are the symptoms the car is experiencing:
Interior Lighting (Gauges, stereo, dome light) inconsistently dimming.
--Stereo Turns off during ATX upshift.
--Interior Lights Dim when signals or hazard lights are on.
--Braking or ATX Downshifting turns off stereo, dims lights, and sounds like engine is going to die
Gauges have a mind of there own.
-- Temp Gauge is on opposite side of where it is supposed to be.
-- Speedometer jumps when you hit a bump, or the ATX upshifts. Often Drops to zero, then back up. Interior lights flicker simultaneously.
-- Fuel Gauge starts approx 1/4 tank above the "F" (Full) Indicator.
Electrical Sparking
--Yes, you read right. Right at the Neutral Safety switch under the hood, where the ATX Shift rod connects, it sparks when shifted between PRND etc.
--I cannot see if it sparks when the ATX is upshifting, because I can't look in the engine while driving. ...or could i?

Rough Shifting
--I recently noticed Shifter is nearly impossible to move, it takes a lot of brute strength to get it into gear.
--Once in gear, the shifter has a little bit of play, and can move up and down a few millimeters with out shifting into the next gear.
--Center Console is currently disassembled, nearly all contact points on the shifter rods get extremely hot during short routine drives.
--Replaced alternator with a Used (tested, passed 100%) Alternator, does not fix the problem.
--Car dies immediately at any point once started when the battery is disconnected.

What I've done so far:
Replaced Alternator
Replaced Battery connection hardware.
Replaced Neutral Safety sensor
This is a typical drive experience is goes for me. I start the car, put it in reverse to back out of my parking space, the lights dim as I put it into reverse, sometimes stereo will turn off. I back up and then shift into drive, as I pass neutral, again everything dims. From 1mph to approx 14-15mph car is fine, then all of a sudden Gauges and all interior lights+stereo flicker. As I leave my home and get onto a main roadway, the head lights will turn off, the speedometer will drop to zero, and the stereo will turn off. After 1-2 Seconds, the headlights turn back on, as do the gauge lights. I have to turn the stock stereo on manually, and re-enter factory code. As I near my first stop light, the stereo often turns off as I apply the brakes, and come to a stop. Again, I am able to immediately turn the stereo back on, enter the code, and listen to music. As the light changes to green the car repeats the initial process. Over about 65mph, the car drives fine until I hit a bump. When I hit a bump, the headlights dim, the speedometer drops to zero, and the stereo turns off.
This is getting very annoying, and the car is unsafe to drive at night. Other than this electrical problem the car is in great condition with low miles. I love the daewoo handling, and I enjoy driving the car. No one can seem to figure out why the car is doing this, and I hate to blindly put money in to this car in hopes that it will fix the problem. Has anyone experienced anything similiar?
My next steps are to replace the shift solenoid, and to check the ground connections on the ECU or ECM. Any help would be greatly appreciated.