wet is better but a lot more expenive. the reason is b/c instead of one nitrous injector there are four with fuel lines and stuff being added to the equation. the really good part about wet is the fact that it shoots nitrous and fuel into each port in the intake manifold and the dry only shoots it in front of the intake maniflod meaning that the first two ports might see more nitrous than the second two. thats a breif description of how wet works. hoe that helps a little more. best way is to find a site with the full expanation or pic up like a Super Street issue or any other car mag and it might tell you the detail.
Hrm, yeah, although i'm pretty sure lanos2001 is explaining a 'Direct Port' system, the classical wet system simply has the one injector for each (Fuel, NOS) in contrast for one for each cylinder.
i just put a zex wet nos kit on my 04 forenza............ all i got to say is dam .40 nos and .21 fuel (75hp) shot ive had it on for about three weeks now and sprayed obout 25 times everything is still working great. its throttle responce and the best thing is it comes whith a smart box that will shut the nos of if something goes wrong