
Forced induction, NA tunning, exhaust, just performance

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Post by mocpac »

Ja ja ja you make me laught :lol: ...

I don't know what this have to do w\ nitro but lets finish this.

First, I live in Puerto Rico, I'm not an inmigrant I live in my country. Yes I'm american so what. Your constitution is write in English, mine is in spanish. If I speak english or not, What the deal w\ it? I know I can speak it, but is my second languaje, sure I can make mistakes.

About the tax, I agree w\ you in part. Because no just some of the inmigrants don't do nothing, but what is worst is when our own people, don't do a shit... Don't forguet you and me are paying for this people too. And whe any one from USA came here, they don't speak spanish, so what the deal, if I have to learn english, you try to speak spanish.

So, don't know, don't care. I enter to to speack about mods, racing stuff, and DAEWOO. If no one will talk about NOS. Please no write any more here. :evil:

Y para los que hablan ingles y no espa?ol y estan criticando, pues aqui tienen algo para que traten de entender. Yo hablo espa?ol al igual que ingles. Mucho mas de lo que alguno pueden hacer. Si no van a hablar de Daewoo, no hablen del todo. Soy ciudadano americano y naci siendolo Pero Soy Puertorrique?o y eso nadie me lo quita. Y mas aun soy latino, y al igual que Tango, maniac16v, frank y muchos mas en este post, hablemos los idiomas que hablemos. Paz.
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Post by lsu_tigrfan »

ok 1st i never said that he was american --- i simply stated that if he is goin to use the language --learn it-- now about my $25k truck as you call it ---i bought it for 12k and it get 19 mpg --- not 8 to 10 ---and i know several people with daewoos ---they are all sh!t ---now if you want to buy a daewoo--- more power to ya ---but its not a fu<kin racecar --- hell its barely a car ---- and why am i total dumbass ---because i dont know if a shitty car builder that should be shot isnt making cars this year --- one can only dream of that hapening ---and im no hick ---lmao ---thats funny as hell --- and i make americans look bad huh ---it has nothing to do with hipocrits that just go with the flow and think everything should be politically correct ---- well fu<k that ---i have a voice and an opinion and if it offends someone ---fu<k them they dont have to listen ---its assholes like you that are ruining this country buy saying this kind of sh!t ---im american and i buy american ---so that makes me bad huh ---well FU<K YOU --- and yes your right --- there are many people down here that speak french but ya know what --- i dont know many that dont speak english just as well and they do french ---- so if you dojnt like what i have to say dont fu<kin read it ---no sweat off of my back ----i just think its funny as hell that these guys are talkin about 17 sec quarter miles being fast --- i didnt say a think about you just driving one --other than i think they are junk ---so stfu azzhole--- oh and as for me thinkin that your wrong for your oponion --no i do not think that --- just a fu<kin dumbazz for it
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Post by mocpac »

Ok, dude you put your opinion right, chk your spelling, you also make mistakes writting. And I no said 17 is the faster time in the ? of mile, but as you said Daewoos are not sport or racing cars. So is not bad for a NO RACING car. Many Nissan makes 18 even 19. Hondas w\ v tec to be specific makes 16 or 15.5 stock. But the regular hondas w/o vtec no. Mitsubishi cars make 16, 17, stock. So if I make 17.4 sec, I runing like the rest of the cars. And I agree w\ you again my car is not a Racing car...yet. :twisted: but a kick some hondas, evos, sentras, and others

Is a free country you can said what ever do you want but respect other people. thanks. Lets continue... :arrow:
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Post by Simp »

IF, and thats a big if, I ever went to Puerto Rico, I'd atleast attempt to speak spanish. If I went to Spain, same thing. Germany, German; France, French. It's just common courtesy.
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Post by mocpac »

Good no every one do that. Now, I'm in Puerto Rico, I just speak english. So every one in this forum understand :!:
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Post by lsu_tigrfan »

thats just it --- i dont understand half the crap you say ---and as far as all that rice you mentioned ---rice is for gravy ---and my mentioning of your language use had nothing to do with spelling------ so yes lets move on ---get a real car to race not a disposable
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Post by mocpac »

Ja ja ja ja ja ja ......... :twisted:
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Post by bmiester »

Okay LSU, your post are pointless. You are obviously here to stir up trouble. You don't own a daewoo, then why are you here?!? I'm sure there several silverado forums out there. Do I have a daewoo, yes. I also have an Eclipse and a Hayabusa. Why am I here?!? Because this is a hobby and I like helping other with their hobby. So what it they want to gain more power out of a Daewoo, toyota, or a honda. It's preference. It's a hobby.
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Post by Efratech »

its seems you all are having some fun... enough...
'88 Pontiac Lemans GTE - 2.0 16v XE - fully programable ECU, Custom made intake manifold and other bits.
146.6WHP/135lb.ft - 14.81@94mph