2.2L T22SED CID=134.32
(CIDxRPM)/3456= CFM
in this case at....
2000 RPM-77.73
3000 RPM-116.60
4000 RPM-155.46
5000 RPM-194.33
6000 RPM-233.20
Now, that is assuming 100% VE, which we don't have. Most engines usually get between 80-90% so I will use 85% as my reference VE. SO to get the corrected CFM numbers, you simply multiply by .85 so that puts it at....
2000 RPM-66.10
3000 RPM-99.11
4000 RPM-132.14
5000 RPM-165.20
6000 RPM-198.22
Now, to convert the corrected CFM into lbs/min, you simply multiply by .069 and now the new figures are....
2000 RPM-4.60
3000 RPM-6.84
4000 RPM-9.12
5000 RPM-11.40
6000 RPM-13.68
So you would just use those numbers at the x axis..
Pressure ratio...
(P1+P2)/P2=Pressure ratio
P1 is desired boost in PSI, in my case 15 PSI, and P2 is atmospheric pressure ie. 14.7 PSI
AT 15 PSI of boost, my pressure ratio is 2.02. Use this number on the Y axis and now we can plot on the compressor map graph. Needless to say, I have looked at alot of turbos from T25 and T28's to Super 60 T3's, T4's, To4E and To4B's with no luck, they just don't seem to fit. The closest one that I have come across has been this one..
This one is a T3-40 turbo. Let's see if it will load...
If you plot the points at 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, and 6000 RPMS you will see that at a pressure ratio of 2.02 and 4.60 lbs/min, the piont is to the left of the surge limit. Same thing with 3000 RPM. Once 4000 comes along, however, it is in the 70% efficiency range. At 5000 RPM it just enters the peak 72% efficiency zone, and stays there until 6 grand. I am ok with the upper RPM power that this turbo will give the T22SED, but there will be very little, if nothing down low, and running the turbo at the surge limit can be very bad from what I have heard and read. What do you guys think? Is this one possible? Got any compressor maps for me to try? I will do all the math, just trying to find what is best for this engine. Thanks for your time. Paul M