hi guys, i have just bought a lanos 1.4s . i just read the 1.5 turbocharing guide and would like to know whether it is possible to turbo the 1.4 and whether i need to change any internals.
Are the same thing... I think the 1.4 its posible have a little piston than the 1.5 (a little bit) Dont know really how are the diference but the turbocharging are the same...
Con mas mec.s que un taller jajajajaja Mec. Diaz, Mec. Cheo Racing, Mec. eljunito, y ed flash tunning simplemente los mejores!
yeah the 1.4 and 1.5 are almost an identical engine the only differece it that the 1.5 has a longer stroke so there should be no probs doing the turbo conversion on the 1.4