All I want is the bone stock manifold. I want to use the flange as a diagram to CNC myslef a new one with a very very very diffrent twist. Actually I could survive with just the gasket so I can trace around it. But the whole manifold would be great. No need for the TB, sensors, or anything other then the physical manifold.
if youd like i could send you the dxf or dwg t save you some time. let me know the mods youd like and i could end you the program or cut one for you. i alos sell a big bore header flange for the same motor, 1/2 stainless of mild.
if you're still interested,here's a like to the QED catalogue i just posted. it's got what you're looking for and includes the prices in pouds sterling.
Thanks for the help and offer, but I have just finished CNCing the flange myself as I am a NIMS certified machinist. I just ripped of my old intake mani, and took the measurements and wrote them into the mill. Now I need to go and find some ITB's for a Hayabusa and Ill be set.