You need the mount for the 2.0L Lemans engine..... If I were you I'd go to a wrecker to get one.... you should be able to pick one up for $10
I'm a little confused about the listing you gave... it should be the front passenger side mount that you need... but make sure it's for the 2.0L as the 1.6L mount is longer to accomidate the smaller block.
If you go to a wrecker and find a 2.0L Lemans you will be looking at the C20NZ which will fit into the Lanos but I think it makes less power than your previous 1.6L A16DMS.
There may be some issues with swapping a nubira engine into the Lanos as many of the accessory brackets will interfere with the mounts.
If you have your heart set on a 2.0L 16V Nubira engine you will need to convert it over with parts from the 2.0L 8V Sunbird engine ( since the brackets are in the right place and won't interfere with the engine mount)
The T20SED ( 2.0L 16V Nubira ) comes with an engine mount in the center of the timing chain area just like the new Aveo/Kalos 1.6L and Optra/Forenza/Lacetti 2.0L.
So the easiest swap is the 2.0L Turbo 8V Sunbird engine ( C20GET ) and it's the easiest engine to get some decent power from (just have to bring the boost up a few PSI )
This older engine does not have an OBDII ECU so there could be issues with your local state emissions guys.
It is possibly to upgrade it by stripping a T20SED nubira engine of all it's sensors wiring and ECU but it all depends on how much time you have to spend on the project.