Does anyone know if the lanos 1.6 16V block is the same as a 1.5 16v block from a nexia/racer?
might have a leak in head gasket so in need to take top of anyways and tranny's 2nd gear syncro is busted so i have to take that off also...
so i wanted to drill a 1.5 16v block to a 1.8v block (think this is done on espero stock already) and use the 1.8 pistons in my lanos on the stock 1.6 16v head (heard this can be done)
not that much work considering head/tranny is out of car then already anyways (maybe i will even buy a 1.8 espero engine so pistons/crankshaft allready are in there IF my 1.6 lanos head will fit?
So either block needs to be same... OR my head needs to fit on a 1.8 8V engine from nexia/espero
But if i bore a 1.6 blok to 1.8 i can still use the head normaly no?
but then the main thing is to figure out if i can fit some 1.8 pistons on the 1.6 rods... being from same family (GM) i should be able to i geus if the (round bar that connects piston to rods dno name) is the same size... ofcourse the lenght isnt the same but the thikness could be?
hmm crap... well the thing is i need to have the engine get more power but it must still look orignal (for crap yearcheckup and laws over here)
i aint supposed to do any of this but was thinking if i bored it and used other pistons its not like anyone can notice whitout opening the engine anyways
well i talked to a revision shop... they said it is alwasy possible to get my 1.6 to 1.8 using stock block... but he needs to try to c if i need loose cilinders to support block strenght or not.
SO once i got me a 2nd block im gonna try this out
If you check out this German performance site they list both a 1.6L small block and a 1.6L big block as well as a 1.8L small block and a 1.8L big block.
well i could go and try to fit the headgasket on the 1.8 block... if the cooling/oil holes are same i can still yust change block... if not then im gonna look for a 1.6 to bore out or use the 1.5 i have in a wreck atm (as im told 1.5 is same)