oh.... so it's an insurance problem and not a government inspection problem.
That's so wierd because there are only three or four insurance companies in the world and they are not the ones with this "modifications are illegal" policy... your Belgian insurance companies must get underwritten at a better rate with this poilcy in place.
Basicly every insurance company in the world ( thousands of them ) gets underwriten by one of the three or four big monster insurance companies ( like LLoyds of London )
So when you buy insurance your not really buying it off the guys you deal with, they are just "re-sellers" of insurance.
When you have an accident and somebody sues you the "re-sellers" are reimbursed by the "wholesale" monster sized insurance company.
I found this all out when we had to get insurance for our business.... which deals with radioactive substances used in non destructive examination of metal ( X-Ray pipe for defects )
Nobody in North America would handle our insurance so we had to get insured directly by LLoyd's of London.... they had a representative come down to our shop and check everything out before they would tell us how much they were going to screw us for.
Since 911 our insurance costs have gone up by a factor of 10!
Too bad you couldn't register and insure it in some other country like Germany... then you could do whatever you want.
In Canada each province has a different setup for insurance... some are run by the provincial government and others are totally private.
Some people will get a fake address in another province where the insurance is cheaper but most of the time the insurance people catch on and send them nasty letters about cancelling their policy.