Here is the picture of the broken timing belt roller guide. Still haven't gotten around to pulling the cam cover yet. Just don't want to pull it off and see anything broken or bent in there.
Cam cover is off, nothing obvious. Should the cams turn easily with the belt off? The belt is so loose from the broken roller I don't want to try and turn things and mess them up. But then they may already be. All the lifters are up making contact with the cam lobes. I don't want to pull the head just to check. If I turn the crank with a socket and wrench and the timing belt so messed up could a break a valve? Again, if it aint already broke. Maybe I just worry to much and should replace the roller (both) timing belt and put it together, cross my fingers and hopefully didn't waste my time and have to tear it all down anyway.
This may sound like a silly question but, how do I do a compression check when things don't turn? That's what I'm trying to ask. Is it OK to turn the crank without the timing belt connected. I don't want to bend a valve trying to check for a bent valve. I should probably know this. Oh and after I got up I realized, I bet they aren't called lifters anymore, didn't check the book to get the up to date term. Looks like it's a valve stem seal, piece #2 of part 1143 is what you would see against the cam.
most probablt you bent a valve after you distroyed that pully... i'd suggest pulling the head off and make through out inspection rather than speculating the extent of the damage.
Well as I said I was not working on this fast. I finally got the head off. 4 broken valves and a cracked piston, to sum it all up. Next thing that comes right to mind is, is it worth a total rebuild. Well I need to find out how much (and where to find) the parts would be.
Does anybody know a good source for rebuild kit, or even a full engine?