Rodd1s wrote:well Lynx is a brand of deodorant for men in the UK. and here's the Lynx Click advert in short:
Ben Affleck walks through the streets of Hollywood with a "clicker" in his hand. (a clicker is a small instrument used to keep count of certain things, one click adds one unit to the total) As Ben walks through the streets in and out of shops etc. etc. he click his clicker for every smile that he gets from girls. There is also one point where a gay guy smiles at him, and at first Affleck hesitates to click, but then click anyway.
The advert is supposed to portray the "Lynx Click Effect" and Click is the name of their latest fragrance/cologne.
ok, no need to worry about removing the intake resonator and y-tube anymore... i got bored about an hour ago and decided to just go ahead and do it. it still sounds great, but i think its louder now, as i noticed peoples heads turning from about 300 meters before i even got past them. and I noticed a new sound aswell... a louder "sucking" sound as air flow has been increased. it sounds like a little leaf blower or something when the bonnet is open.
I want to remove the bottom of the air box aswell, but dont have anything at the moment to use as mounts to hold the air filter in place. So i mite have a look around some shops for some form of a mounting bracket or something.
Cargo cultism is a beautiful thing as long as you never fall for it.
I finally got around to removing the bottom of the original air filter, and used a steel mounting bracket and some cable ties to keep the new air filter in place, like so:
All was good, and it looked like the bracket was doing a good job... however...
after driving the car for about 15 minutes in stop-and-go traffic through town, and back home again I checked the air filter and ram pipe to see if it was still held in place by the cable tie etc, and it was fine, but... it was over-heated!!! who would have guessed that the bottom of the stock air filter (being only about 2 or 3 inches deep would stop so much heat from getting to the air filter. I did also notice a great loss in acceleration on my way home (and i wasnt liking it).
So, i have come to the conclusion that using a mounting bracket to hold an air filter in place is a no-go, unless there is something to protect it from heat. until i have a little shield, i mite try it again.
Cargo cultism is a beautiful thing as long as you never fall for it.
You could also add more pipe into the mix and run it down into the wheel well behind the splash guards. I ended up doing that with mine after a warm spring day and a long drive when I noticed I was losing power.
Another choice you could go with is hood spacers. By raising the hood and giving the air a path to escape, you can allow for greater air cooling in the engine bay.
ive seen a couple of cars with hood spacers (probably ones that are too big) and it makes some of them look like the hood's about to fly off!
I think I would probably go with using the empty wheel well to put it. Just need to get some extra piping.
Cargo cultism is a beautiful thing as long as you never fall for it.
it is kinda cylendric peice of metal that comes between the hood and the hing... it lifts up the hood away from the hing according to the spacer's lenght... i think you will need longer bolts for this mod, search the detailing/exterior/suspension section for more info.
yeah, the hood spacers are placed near the hinges of the bonnet ( just in front of the wind screen ) and i think you may need some minor modification to the hinges to use the hood spacers.
Cargo cultism is a beautiful thing as long as you never fall for it.
I've changed my custom air intake to be a stealth one just like MMamdouh's one.
altho it looks stock now, and doesnt sound as good as it used to, but at least i dont feel the power fading away after driving it for a few minutes. where at this point the air filter in its original location starts sucking in hot air. checked it after a few quarter mile runs, and waited for the engine temp gauge to come up to where it usually is, and the air box and rubber tube was still cold.
the new sound is something completely different, it sounds more hi-pitched as if the engine is running at a higher RPM, and the loud note only really kicks in after 3000 rpm.
Cargo cultism is a beautiful thing as long as you never fall for it.
glad you decided to go with the cold air option... it is much better performance wise, did yuo feel any loss of torque when you switched from stock intake to short ram? and what about when you switched to "stealth" mode... any effect on the low ed torque?