I was curious if the timing belt replacement for the nubi 2 is as critical as the lanos. So if it breaks will there be the bent head and valves? Just curious as I don't have the service manual and don't actually have the nubi on site to try and look at it myself.
also if anyone does have the service manual I would love to have a copy of it.
in the service manual though it doesn't say anything about replacing the water pump, and the main reason that I thought you had to replace the water pump on the lanos is because when you loosen it it destroys the seal?
no its just for saving on labour costs... i replaced my timing belt without the water pump 'cause labour costs are cheap here plus the fact that i replace the belt too early at 40k KMS... i will replace the pump at 80k KMS for sure 'cause at that time the pump have worked for 8 years which is enough.
you don't HAVE to replace the pump it is only a convinince to do so with the timing belt job as both tasks require the same amount of labor so it is better to pay for an extra pump rather than paying the labour twice.
gotcha, well luckily my sisters car is still under warranty until 60k miles and I told her to take it in and have them service that because it will blow the engine if she doesn't.
delphis wrote:gotcha, well luckily my sisters car is still under warranty until 60k miles and I told her to take it in and have them service that because it will blow the engine if she doesn't.
In my country the warranty is only valid if the scheduled maintenance was done by official dealer. At 60k miles this is normally the first inspection of the second timing belt replaced at 40k miles. I would stick to that.