are those codes new ones or old? i'd prefer that you reset the ECU and let the engine go through the correct learning procedure then scan it as those codes could be old ones that are stored their and doesn't reflect your current ststus.
probably yes... those things are said to be a problem with lanoses and also their is a recall regarding them... if you couldn't replace it under the recall then it is easy to do it yourself.
the problem is the lanos CMPs are faulty so yuo can get a new one that will go bad shortly... Chris from daewootech yahoo group used a cmp sensor from an aveo and it is still working fine till now.
Quebecois wrote:I just reseted and only this code is remaining :
P342 : Camshaft position sensor
Does it need to be changed ?
I have a nubira, and even though i have a different engine my Camshaft position sensor also went bad as well, i replaced it, and no more codes popped... didn't cost much either... US$16 or something like that...
Quebecois wrote:Okay, nice, they are cheaper too, but one last question, do they need to be "fitted" in place or it's the same data port & bracket ?
(my car is a Whoohoo '00 Lanos, 1.6l DOHC)
Where is located that $#%?@%?@$ MAP sensor too ?
i guess you won't need any "fitting"... the two sensors are practically the same, the Aveo's sensor is a bit shorter thoug but that won't affect the installation.
the MAP sensor is located in the middle of the fire wall, it has a vacuum line comming from the bottom side of it and an electrical socket with 3 wires... can't miss it.