Steering pump noise

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Steering pump noise

Post by gianfranco »

HI, I just noticed that when I have the A/C on, and the revs goes to idle a strange sound in the engine compartment. I made further investigation and it seemed that the serpentine belt was oldie, and becauase of that was loose enough to make this noise. I replaced the serpentine belt, and the noise continues. And it only happens with the AC on (I assume that it's beacuse the belt load is bigger and this load make the noise appear).

I made further observations and I heard the noise coming from the power steering pump. I stopped the engine and I see tha the steering pump puley has some freeplay, and that could be the cuase of the sound. I read in the reparation manual that the pump isn't serviceable. Does anybody has this problem?

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Post by MMamdouh »

i have a little squweak sound comming from the pump at idle... its pully got a play of some 1mm.

indeed the pump is not servisable but i wont spend over 100USD to cure a squweak sound.

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RE: Steering pump noise

Post by gianfranco »

Ok Thanks, but in my case the freeplay makes a unconfortable noise, specially in traffic when the engine goes form 1500 to 900 rpm. I'll try to see how much it cost in a yunkyard, but I'll search for a used one from the Aveo, becuase yesterday I checked and both have the same pump (because both habe the seame engine).

