Lanos II O2 sensor, CTS sensor

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Lanos II O2 sensor, CTS sensor

Post by koh »


I got a used Lanos 2001, manual, 1.5 Litres. Due to my poor mileage, I suspect my O2 sensor is faulty

Can anyone advise me whether changing the O2 sensor can be easily done ? Where is the location of this sensor ? Is this sensor easily be seen from the booth ?

I suspected that the O2 sensor is hidden by a metal cover that has a icon that say warming hot area with a hand. If I remove the metal cover, I should able to see the exhaust manifold, which the O2 sensor is located. Am I correct to say that.

Another question to ask, if the O2 sensor is faulty, there will be a check engine light on or other light will be turned on at the dashboard ?


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Post by MMamdouh »

the faulty O2 sensor will mess you fuel consumption but not every fuel consumption problem related to the O2 sensor so be carful before spending your money.

get an OBD scan to be sure... i suppose the faulty O2 sensor will trigger a CEL , i prefer to play it safe and scan it first.

is it easly done? i suppose so but not 100% sure.

where is it located? exactly were you is right after the 4 outlet pipes join into one large pipe and it is visable from the engine bay. also it will be lot easyer if you removed the exhaust scheild... the one with "warning hot area" on it.

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