well basically my CEL has been going on and off every once in a while lately and i'm pretty sure its probably with the cam sensor or which ever sensor has the recall. i haven't gotten that done yet but today it was acting really funny. it would only blink on and off when i pressed on the gas or when i was breaking. when i'm just coasting then it would shut off.
thats the only time i've seen it do that.
is it doing that b/c of the recall or what? i'm gonna get the recall done in the next week or so but just wanted some input. also the airbag recall done. didn't really care about that since i'm never in the passenger seat.
Be sure to check that you have enough brake fluid... It is one of the most basic things next to a glitch that trips the CEL. When you are braking or accelerating or braking, the fluid might shift around the tank and trigger the CEL and when you are coasting, the fluid might touch the sensor. If thats not it, check other fluids or try resetting your computer. Fluid could get low in the tank if your pads are getting low.
It seems that there are 2 O2 sensors in the Daewoo's. One in the header and one in the cat. I believe the first one is exhaust gas temperature sensor, and the bigger one in the second cat under the car is the actual O2 sensor. If the CEL flashes every once in a while, I doubt it has something to do with a component as important as a O2 sensor.
oh and i know that the sensors must still be there b/c i watched the people put in my cat back and it came off clean with no wires hanging or anything.
well i guess the whole brake fluid deal is out then. but i just went to a shop and they did all the piping for me and i got flow masters on my car. i got 2 and a quarter inch piping and i don't have a tip so it doesn't sound all ricey. its a pretty deep rumble and when i idle it almost sounds like a V8. and when i mean no tip i mean not even a one inch straight pipe sticking out of it.
i got 1 O2 sensor on my 1.5 SOHC and only one CAT...the US spec. 1.6 DOHC got 2 CATS and 2 O2 sensors, the first is at the header and before the first CAT and it is viewable when you pop the hood.
the other is right before the flexable exhaust junction at the bottom of the engine and practically it is between the first and second CAT. it is viewable from under the car.
maybe the sensor's socket is broken or contaminated with dirt or so...or the sensor's wire is grounded somewhere so you need to check both sensors' connections.
as for the brakes fluid issue... it has nothing to do with the CEL, low brakes fluid will trigger the brakes light on the dash...no CEL whatsoever.
my engine light was acting all funny too...it went on for about a week and then off again...and then it did it again recently, so I took it into the mechanic, turns out that it was the rear O2 sensor.