Has anyone replaced their timing belt? We asked to buy the special tool to do the job with but no one will sell us it, can you still do the job yourself without the special tool,as we need to know how to adjust the belt. If someones already replaced the timing belt them selves was there any dramas that you experienced?
thanx nola.
i have not yet replaced it but judging by the manual and pics and such, its 3 hex bolts that you loosen and rotate the water pump to loosen the tension on the belt. the "auto tensioner" has the marks to how far to go. but from my exp if the tensioner is old and grimy, it would stick in some places.
but basically um.. can order from a daewoo dealer? or buy/rent from autozone? or even napa... might have to special order it..
the only drama ive heard is the camshafts rotating while putting the belt on (if its DOHC).. recommend 2 people if its DIY.
since i havent changed mine yet, i havent ghetto-fyed a tool yet, or anything, sorry mate.
Death smiles at man, all man can do is smile back.
Thanx daewoomofo for your input, you all have been a real help. I have spent hours looking in the other technical forums and have saved alot of information that i will refer to in the future..thanx again .I found answers to a few more questions that i had too..yippee...thanx again..
I recently did mine, along with a rebuilt head, cause I didnt change my timing belt in time. I found I could access the water pump with a pair of small adjustable pliers (channel locks), but it may mark your water pump. It doesnt damage the pump, just scores up the hex lands, like using the same type pliers on a nut, leaves marks, no big deal. I did, however have to buy a 5mm hex driver (socket with 5mm hex key) to access all the water pump clamp screws. Couldnt get to it properly with a 5mm allen key. For those in the US I highly recommend Clearwater Cylinder Heads in Clearwater FL. I purchased a rebuilt head from them ($400.00 ebay) and it was very well done and has performed flawlessly thus far (2 months).