Hey guys:
My name is Samuel I'm fron Raleigh North Carolina. Two days ago i bought a 2001 Daewoo lanos 1.6 liter. I noticed a poor acceleartion since last night. what happened today at the traffic light the engine suddenly stoped. but know the acceleration got worth. need help guys.
well a good place to start is to give the car a full tine up. plugs, wires, air and fuel filter. also run a can of injector cleaner through the gas tank. does the exhaust seem, to be clogged? is there a check engine light on? i do also sugguest that you get a new timing belt, belt tensioner, idler, nad water pump put on soon. its not a matter of if the belt will snap its a matter of when.
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daewoomofo wrote:well a good place to start is to give the car a full tine up. plugs, wires, air and fuel filter. also run a can of injector cleaner through the gas tank. does the exhaust seem, to be clogged? is there a check engine light on? i do also sugguest that you get a new timing belt, belt tensioner, idler, nad water pump put on soon. its not a matter of if the belt will snap its a matter of when.
No check engine light. tomorrow i'll be changing plugs, wires, air and fuel filter.
you are likely to hear a hissing noise (or a high picth whiste) at high rev if you exhuast is clogged, it will also fell like you have no power after 3000rpm
Big Jeff wrote:you are likely to hear a hissing noise (or a high picth whiste) at high rev if you exhuast is clogged, it will also fell like you have no power after 3000rpm
The problem was the front catalytic converter was clogged. It was replaced yesterday and also a complete tune up was done today. The car now is running like new. I'm planing to change the timing belt, belt tensioner and water pump in 3 weeks.